4verify is a unique, new, home-grown, locally developed system created specifically to verify existing asset registers or to create a new register from scratch.
It easily integrates with Sage and other existing Asset Management systems via common data loading files. This means that 4Sight can plug into your asset register and assist you with the verification.
The technology makes use of modern, smart devices (iPods, etc) to offer you the most advanced, convenient way to verify assets.
Our system is web-based and will allow you to securely connect to your data from any location you choose. Most clients use our hosting option (optional), ensuring that their data is secure and automatically backed up at time. This also eliminates any special hardware requirements and keeps the cost of ownership down.

Reporting Abilities
The biggest part of the verification is the ability that you now have to monitor your progress on a real time basis on the project status. You can use the dashboard to monitor your asset verification... show more
The biggest part of the verification is the ability that you now have to monitor your progress on a real time basis on the project status. You can use the dashboard to monitor your asset verification progress as it happens show less
User Web Interface
Being a web based solution, the user can access the ad- ministration module through a web browser. All users are assigned a role and based on their security level, they are allowed access to various... show more
Being a web based solution, the user can access the ad- ministration module through a web browser. All users are assigned a role and based on their security level, they are allowed access to various functions. show less
Mobile User Interface
From the device interface it is easy to see the progress of any verification. Each user has login security, allowing them access only to their projects. Any verification done is logged against the... show more
From the device interface it is easy to see the progress of any verification. Each user has login security, allowing them access only to their projects. Any verification done is logged against the user’s name and is time stamped so that the latest information is always updated. show less
Compatibility with Other Systems
4verify is able to fully integrate with various different systems using commonly defined data loaders. This means that it can work in your existing environment and does not require additional... show more
4verify is able to fully integrate with various different systems using commonly defined data loaders. This means that it can work in your existing environment and does not require additional investments. show less
Unique Identification of the Assets
With the availability of all the information on the scanner, each asset can be uniquely identified and will allow the company to pinpoint where the asset is and who is responsible. Each asset can have... show more
With the availability of all the information on the scanner, each asset can be uniquely identified and will allow the company to pinpoint where the asset is and who is responsible. Each asset can have a barcode, serial number, category, description, responsible person, location and cost centre. The camera can be used to take pictures and it can even capture the GPS coordinates, for those out of office assets. show less
Owners are made responsible for their Assets
Once an owner’s assets have been scanned, the owner can confirm and sign off the asset list on the mobile device.
Once an owner’s assets have been scanned, the owner can confirm and sign off the asset list on the mobile device.