Initial Sync
Once the application is installed the user will be prompted to preform a synchronization or customers, products and vat.

Synchronize Products
- In the screen the application will list all the products in Sage Business Cloud Accounting and allow the user to map the product to a product in Bitrix24 or to create the product in Bitrix24. By default, the application is set to create the product in Bitrix24 allowing the user to just move to the next stage.
Synchronize VAT
- In the screen the application allow the user to map the VAT Standard Rate in Sage Business Cloud Accounting to the same rate in Bitrix24. Furthermore, the VAT Zero Rate in Sage Business Cloud Accounting must also be mapped to the correct rate in Bitrx24.
Synchronize Customer/Companies
- In the screen the application will list all the customers in Sage Business Cloud Accounting and allow the user to map it to Companies in Bitrix24 or to create the company in Bitrix24. By default, the application is set to create the company in Bitrix24 allowing the user to just move to the next stage.
Invoice Sync
An invoice created in Bitrix24 will be re-created Sage Business Cloud Accounting for the same customer, products, and vat. The invoice number in in Sage Business Cloud Accounting will be the same as the invoice number in Bitrix24 to allow for an audit trail of the transactions.

Create Products and Customers
- If the customer or product does not exist in Sage Business Cloud Accounting the application will create the required customer and product.
Payment Sync
The application will poll Sage Business Cloud Accounting once a day for all receipts captured an allocated. The corresponding invoice in Bitrix24 will then be marked as partially paid or paid.