B2B Wholesale Commerce by Storehub.io
All customer info syncs from Sage to Storehub.io B2B Commerce
All customer information pulls through to Storehub.io's B2B Commerce platform. All critical information like custom pricing, delivery addresses, contact information and more. Information updates happen as soon as any customer data changes in Sage.
All customer information syncs through from Sage to Storehub.io B2B Commerce
- Customer pricing linked to a specific pricelist & discount, tax code & tax rate
- Customer contact information, email address (username) and more
- Sales rep code linked to customer account
- Customer delivery address & billing address
Stock & price update automatically from Sage Business Cloud Accounting
Price & stock automatically update from Sage Business Cloud accounting so any customer facing product or pricing information is always kept up to date and customers can shop with confidence.
Price & stock syncs ever 2 minutes
- Allow customers to generate their own quotes & orders automatically without any human intervention
- Never sell an item at the incorrect price again and the complex admin to correct the error
- Allow customers to plan their stock flow & holding efficiently
- Never sell an item that's' out of stock again
Sales Reps can order on behalf of customers
Sales reps can place orders on behalf of customers using the Storehub.io B2B Commerce platform. Sales rep info syncs through from Sage, create an account for the sales rep and allow them access to customer segments.
Sales Reps can place orders on behalf of customers
- Sales rep can be set to not accrue commission on orders their customers placed without the input
- Allow sales reps to assist other sales reps (linked customer rep code will be used on order, not rep that places order)
- Sales reps can view exact stock available, while customers may be set to only view if the item is "In stock" or "Out of stock"
- Sales reps can place orders to multiple delivery addresses
- Sales reps can be limited to view their linked customers only
- Orders that get raised in Sage automatically contain the appropriate sales-rep code
Orders raise from B2B Commerce store back to Sage
All orders that are placed on the Storehub.io B2B Commerce platform raise in Sage Business Cloud automatically, under the linked customers' account. Orders raise every 5 seconds in Sage and contain all order information captured at the time of processing.
All order information is captured automatically in Sage:
- Customer delivery & billing address
- Ordered line items, quantities & price
- Purchase Order number
- Order comments and customer contact information