TimeLinx Project and Service Management
Project and Service Management for Sage
TimeLinx PSM (Project and Service Management) extends the capabilities of Sage accounting solutions for businesses with project and service management needs throughout the entire lifecycle of a transaction. Starting with the opportunity, TimeLinx converts it into a project, manages the project through till it is ready for delivery, schedules and dispatches the work required and then manages any on-going service or warranty work all tightly integrated with Sage accounting to ensure financial objectives are met. In addition, TimeLinx includes robust reporting capabilities, alerts and monitoring, Gantt Charts, a capacity planner as well as a full featured mobile solution specifically for field technicians.

End to End Project and Service Management
TimeLinx solutions are designed to provide transparency, access, and control across your entire customer lifecycle from lead management to project delivery. TimeLinx applications connect departments... show more
TimeLinx solutions are designed to provide transparency, access, and control across your entire customer lifecycle from lead management to project delivery. TimeLinx applications connect departments to break down information silos while providing detailed reporting and ERP system by transforming it from a single function application into a complete project management tool. show less
Complete Control of Project and Services Expense
Critical to the success of your business is knowing where you stand within project and service delivery budgets. Labor is particularly important since it is the largest component of most project and... show more
Critical to the success of your business is knowing where you stand within project and service delivery budgets. Labor is particularly important since it is the largest component of most project and service costs. Understanding hours consumed and planning the remaining resources are both essential to delivering within expected cost. show less
Optimize Customer Service and Support
TimeLinx PSM includes the ability to manage the customer support or customer service incident side of your business. After all, service to the customer is part of the relationship and makes perfect... show more
TimeLinx PSM includes the ability to manage the customer support or customer service incident side of your business. After all, service to the customer is part of the relationship and makes perfect sense. Project and services businesses need visibility to support costs by project, not just by customer or product line. show less
Maximize Scheduling and Dispatch
Best utilization of your human capital means putting the correct people with the correct skills in the correct place at the correct time within the budget allowed by the project. TimeLinx PSM helps... show more
Best utilization of your human capital means putting the correct people with the correct skills in the correct place at the correct time within the budget allowed by the project. TimeLinx PSM helps you do all of that using interactive Gantt charts, our WebCalendar, and our capacity planning tools. Make sure you are maximizing this most important aspect of your projects. show less
Intelligent Alerts and Monitoring
Keeping informed about critical information in your TimeLinx system is the key to moving client engagements forward without skipping a beat. TimeLinx Alerting and Notifications will enable an... show more
Keeping informed about critical information in your TimeLinx system is the key to moving client engagements forward without skipping a beat. TimeLinx Alerting and Notifications will enable an automated workflow system with personalized notifications to ensure that work is started on time, in the correct order, by the assigned individuals, and without manual intervention for notifications. show less
Device and Platform Agnostic Mobility for Service Teams
TimeLinx SmartMobileTM combined with TimeLinx PSM to bring a full-featured time, expense, work order, asset and inventory application to iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. Many mobile... show more
TimeLinx SmartMobileTM combined with TimeLinx PSM to bring a full-featured time, expense, work order, asset and inventory application to iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. Many mobile applications capture time. Many web solutions capture time and expenses. SmartMobile does so much more by integrating project and service records with your Sage system and incorporating the full logic of our rules-based TimeLinx Revenue Optimization Engine™. show less
Integration Across All Systems
TimeLinx Accounting Platform (TAP) eliminates time-consuming and error-prone re-entry of data across multiple applications. TAP passes financial data both directions between accounting/ERP and... show more
TimeLinx Accounting Platform (TAP) eliminates time-consuming and error-prone re-entry of data across multiple applications. TAP passes financial data both directions between accounting/ERP and TimeLinx PSM — revenues, expenses, margins, Job Cost, G/L numbers, staff data, detailed notes, and more. show less
Metrics that Matter
The power of TimeLinx is reflected in modern BI dashboards for our TimeLinx product line. The financial and performance data shown represent the kinds of data that TimeLinx produces as it goes about... show more
The power of TimeLinx is reflected in modern BI dashboards for our TimeLinx product line. The financial and performance data shown represent the kinds of data that TimeLinx produces as it goes about its daily work of managing, tracking, and controlling project performance. Using our modern BI platform, these can be modified and new dashboards created as needed by anyone with our system. show less
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