Run Sage 300cloud Backups And Data Integrity In One Go With No Help From IT!
SYSTRONICS BACCPAC backs up Sage 300cloud databases automatically and reliably, according to user-defined schedules, sends email notifications to a pre-defined list of users, informing them about the status of the backup, compresses archived data to reduce disk space usage, optionally runs Data Integrity Check before taking backups and produces log files, optionally backs up external files as well, i.e. reports and important documents.

Automatic Data Integrity Check
Running the Data Integrity Check – a task that rarely receives appropriate attention – can be optionally automated along with database backups, ensuring that the backed-up data is consistent.
Running the Data Integrity Check – a task that rarely receives appropriate attention – can be optionally automated along with database backups, ensuring that the backed-up data is consistent.
Putting Accountants in Control of their Data
BACCPAC for Sage 300cloud backs up your accounting data unattended and independent of your IT Team, based on backup schedules you define according to your needs.
BACCPAC for Sage 300cloud backs up your accounting data unattended and independent of your IT Team, based on backup schedules you define according to your needs.
Transparent Backup Process
Stakeholders are immediately notified about the backup status via email notifications.
Stakeholders are immediately notified about the backup status via email notifications.